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Our nonprofit organization helps recognize issues that families face when searching for affordable housing, and streamlines the options into one medium, providing an easier path for those in need of affordable housing. Additionally, we educate our members and community on the housing crisis facing our state, while giving exposure to possible solutions.
Our Committee

President - Rachel Zeng
During the summer before 11th grade, my parents and I had decided to stop SAT prep after I started getting multiple headaches and my health weakened as the workload took a toll on me. A lot of people don’t know but I was diagnosed with a stage 3 brain tumor when I was 9 and underwent surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Due to concern over my own health, I found myself with an extended amount of time to reflect on the world around us, and problems afflicting the local communities. 2020 was one of the hardest years for everyone, and many lost their jobs, their homes, and their loved ones. Inspired by the difficulties everyone including myself faced and my father’s occupation, I realized that many Californians don’t have homes to go back to at the end of the day. Upon this realization, I set out to create a solution to help those families across Southern California by giving them an outlet to begin searching for an affordable home.
Our Committee

President - Rachel Zeng
During the summer before 11th grade, my parents and I had decided to stop SAT prep after I started getting multiple headaches and my health weakened as the workload took a toll on me. A lot of people don’t know but I was diagnosed with a stage 3 brain tumor when I was 9 and underwent surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Due to concern over my own health, I found myself with an extended amount of time to reflect on the world around us, and problems afflicting the local communities. 2020 was one of the hardest years for everyone, and many lost their jobs, their homes, and their loved ones. Inspired by the difficulties everyone including myself faced and my father’s occupation, I realized that many Californians don’t have homes to go back to at the end of the day. Upon this realization, I set out to create a solution to help those families across Southern California by giving them an outlet to begin searching for an affordable home.

Vice President - Carina Young
I help out the president with any tasks she needs help with and contribute to some of the activities this organization does, such as selling stickers and recycled paper! I designed some of the stickers that we sell and helped out to make recycled paper! Although I may not have a lot of prior knowledge in the housing industry, I find that I am learning a lot more about the current situation occurring in Southern California and I hope that I can help advocate and find solutions to this issue!

Vice President - Lina Huang
I’m here to help with outreach, communications, and managing whatever’s going on (and to say hello to y’all from the (regrettably snowy) East Coast!) I love journalism, and news stories + talking to people around me was how I became really interested in California’s housing crisis, and how to alleviate it.

Treasure - Shani Su
I help oversee the club’s finances and fundraisers. I organize the profits we make from fundraisers and distribute the money out to different areas of our organization. I love learning instruments and have played the piano for 10 years.
Baking is also a passion of mine!

Secretary - Nicholas Martinez
Hello my name is Nicholas Martinez and I am the club’s secretary. Some past experience I have with affordable housing and the homelessness crisis include various forms of volunteer work at St. Christopher church to benefit the homeless and needy. I joined this club in order to help provide outreach beyond my local city, to the entirety of Southern California through the club’s website and several types of volunteer work.
Our Goals
Our nonprofit will primarily focus on fundraising events and educating the community in order to form a basis and have funds to start a website that will reach anyone in California in need of any affordable home. As mentioned before, this club is 100% non profit, but we will also be donating a portion of the fundraising money towards the National Low Income Housing Coalition in addition to our website

Our Plan
Step 1
Our officers will help educate members of the club by giving them background knowledge about the housing crisis. Once we spread the word, we’ll hold fundraisers where 100% of proceeds go to aiding affordable housing efforts.
Step 2
With the funds and exposure, we will launch a highly in-depth website that will educate the entire community on this issue, but also allow those seeking affordable housing to access a free, streamlined medium to aid in their search.
Step 3
Eventually, our club and our community looks to grow beyond aiding local areas, and potentially provide greater outreach with the website to more Californians within the next several years.